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#launch title

FIFA Soccer 13 Review

Already own FIFA 13 on another platform? Think twice about picking up this version.

FIFA 13 for the Wii U isn’t really FIFA 13.  Sure, there’s a big “13” emblazoned right there on the box, and the rosters are all updated from last year, but those changes don’t really make it a new game.  The FIFA 13 that gamers have been enjoying on PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 is decidedly different from the game that has shown up on the Wii U; a game that is seemingly behind the times.  At its very core, this is FIFA 12 – a good game to be sure - but a step behind the other versions that have been out for months.

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Nintendo Land Review

Can we get one of these in real life?

Upon picking up my Wii U, getting Nintendo Land was something of an inevitability. I can’t say I was particularly excited for it, but I knew it was coming part and parcel with my Deluxe system. Surely New Super Mario Bros. U was going to get the bulk of my attention because, well, it’s Mario. But on a whim, I decided to break the system out of its box and try this flagship title first. While I can’t ask New Super Mario Bros. U how it feels (being a game and all), I can only assume it’s pretty upset as it has spent most of its life in its box thus far. Yes, Nintendo Land is that good.

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Nintendo Specifies Launch Day Wii U Titles

23 games will be available on day one.

This morning, Nintendo clarified the specific titles that will launch alongside the Wii U. Previously, we had only known of the launch window titles; however, that launch window extended out all the way into March of 2013. Day one Wii U consumers will be able to choose from a total of 23 titles, which include the likes of New Super Mario Bros. U, Assassin's Creed 3, and Black Ops II. Click through for the full launch list!

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Little Deviants Review

This glorified tech demo fails to deliver an entertaining experience.

It is immediately clear that Little Deviants was designed to let you play with all of the Vita’s features. Within the first half hour you will use the touch screen, rear touch pad, motion controls, camera, and even the microphone. The ideas displayed are definitely interesting, but within that first half hour you will have seen everything the game has to offer. By the time I reached my first hour of gameplay I was already bored of all of the mini-games – even the good ones.

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